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Black screen when I put a gas mask on
Reviewed, NormalPublic


This is a form to report an issue from the PC VERSION of the game

Whenever I put a gas mask on the screen goes black. I've tried multiple different gasmasks and even given one of the gas masks to a friend and he could wear it and see just fine. It happens to new gas masks I find or old ones that I've buried and dig back up.

It only started happening recently, I don't remember when but maybe after the 1.26 update.

When the gas mask is on and the screen is black, I can still hear game noises and my character can still move, it's just completely black.

Kind regards,


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Find a gas mask (can be NBC or (I forget the other name)
  2. Put the gas mask on
  3. Screen goes black until you take it off

Event Timeline

Azza created this task.Dec 12 2024, 9:56 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Dec 13 2024, 11:23 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello Azza.
Are you running any mods/does this occur on a modded server? And have you tried to verify the game data through Steam?

Azza added a comment.Dec 29 2024, 6:21 PM

Hi Geez,

No I'm not running any mods. It is happening on Official servers (not modded servers).

I have died and respawned as a new character, but the same happens. Even jumping servers doesn't fix it. Any type of gas mask, when it is put on my head just makes the screen completely black.


Azza added a comment.Dec 29 2024, 6:22 PM

Also, forgot to say, yes I have verified the fame data through steam.

Azza added a comment.Jan 1 2025, 11:50 AM

Another update on this - it happens with Night Vision Goggles too.

After 330 hours of game play I found my first pair of NVGs at a heli crash site.

It was daytime, I looked through them, complete black screen (but can still hear sounds, exactly the same as with gas masks).

They were Pristine, and I tried putting a pristine battery in - still just a black screen when looking through them.

I tried setting my video settings to default - still just a black screen when looking through them.

I hope this helps.

Kind regards,

Azza added a comment.Jan 2 2025, 11:23 PM

Another update....It is working now.

It was something to do with the settings when I went to the Video settings in game. I read about a similar problem with hardware antialiasing. I changed the settings to low and it works now. The game is A LOT darker at night now, but NVGs and Gas Masks work as they should.


Geez changed the task status from Need More Info to Reviewed.Jan 3 2025, 9:19 AM
Azza added a comment.Jan 4 2025, 2:09 PM

In case anyone encounters this in the future - the fix is to lower video settings in game. I can't remember the exact changes I made, but I clicked 'default' to restore default settings, then lowered antialiasing and another setting (I think the one above or below antialiasing in the menu). This got it to work.

The game doesn't quite look how I want now, but I'm going to fiddle with the settings some more until I find a balance that looks good and lets gas masks and NVGs work.