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Game Crashes after update on 12/7/24
Reviewed, NormalPublic


As the title says its a relatively new issue I'm having, it started on the 7th after the update. I have been playing on this bitterroot server for over a month and have never had this issue. I will launch the game via DayZSA Launcher and will get to the player screen when I click play. It will give me a 15 second countdown to load in and as soon as its almost finished with the countdown the game will crash and will give me a crash report. (I can include in comments if you think it may help) I have reinstalled the game and the launcher entirely at least 4 times. Changing the directory to where steam and the game are installed, nothing has helped. I turned off all overlays (Nvidia, steam, discord) and it seemed to work for about a day.

When I close the game and go to reopen it crashes again. So im lost. I have updated all graphics drivers reinstalled the Nvidia app and all associated drivers. And it continues to happen. I close out of all programs and background processes that are not necessary to launch the game. It has a 1/10 success rate. I am just tired of reinstalling all of this software just for the game to work for a few hours. If it allows me to get in game I have no crashes and everything seems to work fine.

Any and all suggestions are welcome and appreciated! I understand there is no one fix all solution as everyone's system is different. If any additional information is needed I am glad to provide it!



Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce

Launch game through either DayZ launcher or DayZSA Launcher
Click play once I have connected to the server and I am at the character screen
Loads in until I get a 15 second countdown
Crashes after 12 seconds

Additional Information

I have included the .txt crash report and the latest .rpt and .mdmp files of the crash. I have also included photos of the crash report I get when the game crashes.

Event Timeline

Acraver created this task.Dec 12 2024, 2:15 AM
Reason: Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff6d5e9d67e at 0x0

I saw this issue on my Sakhal server few weeks ago.
Players could not connect again, same exact issue, until the playerdatabase was wiped.

Acraver edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Dec 12 2024, 3:17 AM
Acraver edited Additional Information. (Show Details)

Crash log from another client who tried to connect to a server and suddenly crashed, will keep crashing until teleported through CF tools or other RCON tool. Server just wiped recently.

Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Dec 13 2024, 11:14 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello Acraver.
From the crash dumps it seems like some sort of issue with the modded content.

Please try the following:
Try to verify the game and make sure your mods are up to date
If this does not help - unsubscribe and delete the mods
Delete the game profiles/configuration files
Verify the game data through Steam
Try to launch the game and join a server without mods
Subscribe back to the mods you have had previously

You also could and should revent to Nvidia Geforce experience if you are using the Nvidia App as currently it has problems with DayZ