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Saved "unbound" keybinds are rebound to default on launch
Assigned, NormalPublic


Any unbound non-vanilla keybindings are being reset on game exit/relaunch despite the dayz_preset_User.xml containing an unbound action.

If a key is bound, the bound key is loaded correctly.

I have tried this with multiple mods, but single mods and with dependencies, and the same behaviour occurs.

Mods Tried - all tested isolated with only dependencies loaded:

  • RedFalcon Water Craft (no deps)
  • CommunityOnlineTools (dep: CF)
  • VPPAdminTools (dep: CF)
  • DayZ-Expansion-Bundle (dep: CF, Dabs Framework, Day-Expansion-Licensed)


Operating System
Windows 10
Operating System Version
22H2 Build 19045.5011
Steps To Reproduce

Example with RFWC:

  1. Enable Mod
  2. Launch game
  3. Change keybinding for "Drop/Weigh Anchor" from "Z" (default) to ";"
  4. Apply changes
  5. Quit game
  6. day_preset_Users.xml shows:
<input name="UARFWCAnchor">
    <btn name="kSemicolon" />
  1. Launch game
  2. Check keybinding - displaying ";" as expected
  3. Remove keybinding by clicking the "x"
  4. Apply changes
  5. Quit game
  6. day_preset_Users.xml shows:
<input name="UARFWCAnchor" />
  1. Launch game
  2. Check keybinding - displaying "Z"
  3. Quit game, day_preset_Users.xml has identical content as before
  4. Launch game, change keybinding for "Fast Throttle Change" to ";", apply and quit
  5. day_preset_Users.xml shows:
<input name="UARFWCFastChange">
    <btn name="kSemicolon" />
<input name="UARFWCAnchor" />
  1. Launch game, check bindings, bindings showing as ";" and "Z" respectively.

I tested this process for the other mods with identical results - unbound mod keybinds are bound to default when loaded, even though day_preset_Users.xml shows as unbound.
Vanilla keybinds work as expected and remain unbound on game relaunch.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Dec 11 2024, 10:37 AM