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Need More Info, NormalPublic


Hello dear developers. Please fix the bug with the boat, namely with the sound. When a boat floats nearby, not far away, it makes a loud noise as if it is not a boat but the Titanic floating. It is very noticeable and if you swim close to the shore, everyone can hear it. There is also a bug when I catch fish with a crafted fishing rod, there is no rope that goes into the water! And please do something about the cheaters, they do not let you play on official servers. Killers through the whole forest and see everything. And they also use cheats to build chemical zones where it is physically impossible to build. And also please diversify the construction a little, at least add the construction of doors. Everything is very easy to raid and it turns out that there is no way to save your loot. Do something so that you can hide the loot more reliably and it would not be so easy for others. I hope you take into account what I wrote. Thank you!


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Feature Request

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Nov 26 2024, 11:50 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello dokerdoker99.
Can you please provide more detailed description of the boat sound issue, containing step by step reproduction steps and a video possibly? thank you!