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unknown violation of Battleye anti-cheat - unjustified dayz game ban - ignoring the Battleye command
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Hello everyone, I'm from Russia, writing using Google Translate.
Before you come at me with bile and streams of dirt, I want to clarify - I have never used cheats, I have had an account since 2014, but on the morning of October 10, 2024, I received a game ban in my favorite game Dayz, later contacted Bohemia Interactive and Steam technical support about the legality of the ban, I was told that in turn, the right to block belongs to BattlEye. However, first of all, I received a response to the letter to the preferred BattlEye support address with a general explanation, further in the text - "Please note that we give you the right not to discuss actual global bans. If you tried to cheat, understand that your global ban will not be lifted. We do not accept any excuses for why you used the accepted global bans, and exceptions are not made." Also, from the Bohemia Interactive support emails it follows: "If you have not received a message from Battleye within 72 hours, your ban is valid", which sounds like a slap in the face. In turn, I want to clarify that I did not use any external software to gain an advantage in the game Dayz, I played on the DUSK Classic Chernarus server - a mod community 1PP at the address:, where after the game was blocked, I created a ticket for analysis. For this reason, the administrator checked my computer for an hour and did not find any use of external software or cheats, but also restricted my play on community servers, explaining that if the ban was really given by mistake, then they will lift the ban when BattlEye unblocks the ban.
To be honest, I gave up because I really wanted to play the new Frostline add-on with my friends.
As proof of my words, I can attach screenshots of checks and correspondence. I also provide a link to the Steam profile and the blocking ID:
Global ban e14261
p.s. Also on the forum, in the general discussion thread, I found similar complaints from players who also did not receive feedback...
This is a repeat complaint form, as the previous one from October 28, 2024, remained unanswered.


Operating System
Windows 10

Event Timeline

Geez closed this task as Resolved.Nov 25 2024, 10:28 AM
Geez claimed this task.
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello taoiler1992a.
We spoke to the BattlEye team and they claim the ban is valid. If you have any further appeals or questions/things to discuss, please forward them to BattlEye as they are responsible for the detection