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Can't watering plants, seeds, garden bed or greenhouse. Can't growth any plants until it is rain.
Closed, DuplicatePublic


Server is:
Server name: 3806 | EUROPE - DE
Server version: 1.26.158964
Required game version: 1.26.0

Map: Chernarusplus
Mission: Official DayZ game server
Players: 23/60


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
22H2 19045.5131
Steps To Reproduce

I will write few related I to greenhouse bugs:

  1. Do the garden bad on the ground or in greehouse. Try to watering it from the botle, canisters or anyother container - most of the time you just can't do it. Once in few restarts it is works somehow - for me it was was when I was alone on the server. But most of the time it doesn't.
  2. Sometimes when I used garden lime for the first garden bad I just dig it turned for whole greenhouse visually to looks like it was watered.
  3. Sometimes my seeds are disapears after I planted them.
  4. Sometimes when I growth pumpkin and another player growth tomato for exaple I could get his plant and my will disapears, or I could gather his tomato and then my pupkin also.
  5. Also not related bug but I just don't want to create new for it. On the video link for which I added my glowstick war red, and it glowth with red color on the video, but it changes it's visuals to white somehow.
Additional Information

don't know if i can use links here but here is video from server how I trying to growth plants

Event Timeline

Geez closed this task as a duplicate of T185508: Crops cant be watered.Nov 19 2024, 11:10 AM