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Nvidia APP Crashing DayZ
Confirmed Internally, NormalPublic


When you change anti-aliasing settings and if you have the “nvidia app” installed, it is impossible to get into the game before uninstalling the “Nvidia app”. This is reproduced always and for everyone.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64

Event Timeline

Minusiq created this task.Nov 16 2024, 7:26 PM
Minusiq added a subscriber: Geez.Nov 16 2024, 8:19 PM

I wrote about it half a year ago in three threads.
This error is not related to the driver.

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Nov 18 2024, 2:27 PM
Geez added a comment.Nov 18 2024, 2:53 PM

Hello Minusiq,
Can you please post the settings you are using in the nvidia app?

NVIDIA app -> Graphics -> DayZ In-game settings and Drivers Settings

HI Geez, settings are defaulted, global parameters are defaulted. We tested with our community of 20 people, that on vanilla and on the moded main server this error occurs regardless of the settings.

All 20 people who installed the nvidia app had this error.

Outputs the usual crash log when you start launching the game. Now everyone has rolled back to Experience, no problems.

Cleaned AppData and Documents, the error continues to occur even with the default settings for anti-aliasing itself.
But arises after it has been changed in DayZ itself. When in full screen mode it resets to windowed mode, and immediately the game crashes, I couldn't run it again until I uninstalled the Nvidia App.

Geez changed the task status from Awaiting internal Testing to Confirmed Internally.Dec 2 2024, 4:33 PM
5Hawkstu added a subscriber: 5Hawkstu.EditedSun, Feb 23, 3:20 AM

So I was running the Nvidia app beta versions fine with DayZ all the way up until Frostline and Sakhal came out. After that 1.26 patch is the only time I started having the issues with Nvidia App & filters. Yes, disabling them fixes the issue, but I need to crisp up this dull looking game a little. Any ETA on a fix? To fix my problem initially uninstalled Nvidia App and reinstalled GeForce Experience. Now I do the recommended and turn off filters.