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game crash. status application hang
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This is a form to report an issue from the PC VERSION of the game - for Xbox/PS4 issues use their respective forms from the dropdown menu (delete this prior to creating the ticket)
started last night either after a nividia update or a firewall update because both happened around the same time last night when it stopped working. ive gotten it to work twice now but i have to fully delete game/firewall and settings. i did this last night and it worked till i went to bed. this morning same thing so i delete and i only got to play 20 mins and boom game crashes with application hang error. i use dzsa launcher but ive also tried the vanilla launcher. both dont work. it will give you the count down to load into server then once it hits 1 or 2 seconds left it goes to the loading screen then gets a error and crashes.

i have done the integrity of game files 10-12 times now and only way to get my game to work is delete everything but its not a long term fix. ive been playing for 1500 hours on modded with zero issues up till last night.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

if i load game right now it would go to the count down to load in and on 1 or 2 seconds it goes to the loading bar screen then crashes/error.

Additional Information

exit code: oxcfffffff status_application_hang
running time: 00:01:00.9985228

Event Timeline

spudboy13 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Nov 13 2024, 6:25 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Nov 14 2024, 11:14 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello spudboy13.
Please try to downgrade the drivers if that could be the issue. We also suggest running sfc/scannow to make sure no drivers/files are corrupted on your OS.