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Instant death in Improvised shelter
Reviewed, NormalPublic


Character spawns in Improvised Shelter, full health.
Discards improvised spear from hands on the ground inside the shelter
Takes SKS from Inventory
Character dies instantly, I see a bit of blood as I die, no gunshot sounds
The body has ruined head gear (hat and balaclava) which suggests damage to head was the cause of death
Definitely not someone shooting at the character, the shelter also remained in Pristine condition


Unable To Reproduce
Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Additional Information

I spawned an ALT character straight in to see if there were any other players around who could have shot me, there weren't, and it would have been very unlikely to have been a shot. I have tried doing weapon swaps in Inventory and with hot keys to try and reproduce, but have not had the same issue again.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Mon, Nov 11, 11:18 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello simononymous.
There is also possibility this has been a hacker that could have killed you.