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Why Some players can join this server and other can't
Need More Info, NormalPublic


Hello DayZ People, Hello DayZ Team, Hello Everyone

Special topic today I have my server with tons of mods, really tons of mods, 102 to be exact
I'd like to add a few more but unfortunately, even when I add 2 more and the server goes to 104 mods, some players can no longer join my server, an average of about 1/4 But why? I've searched everywhere, tried to understand the reasons, THE reason why some players can't join while others can
Windows 10 and not Windows 11? no
.Net Framework or certain missing SDKs? I don't think
so Lack of RAM? apparently not

I know I'm not the only one (or maybe 10 max on this planet) who wants to put more than 100 mods on my server (Personal server at home with a big CPU and lots of RAM), even if my server fps drops to 3000 instead of 5000, I still need some mods

Who could answer this question? why can some players join and others get a 0xC0000005 error?

Do we really need to change the position of this RAM stick for Windows to completely reset the RAM?

And besides, will DayzServer.exe ever be able to exploit the 16 cores of my Ryzen and more than 50% of my RAM?

Why waste such potential (Computing power and infinite Mods in a PERFECT GAME)

What to do my friends? Are we doomed to be bridled until the end of time?


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
all versions
Steps To Reproduce

Install More than 102 Mods on a server and wait players able to join and other not able

Same Server, Same Game ... Working in some computers and not working to some other

the strangest thing in the universe

Event Timeline

symoji created this task.Oct 29 2024, 12:37 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Oct 30 2024, 8:59 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello symoji.
Can you please provide us with a crash dump from the 0xC0000005?

OK I will add two more mods to reproduce the crash and ask to my player to share the crash dump

See you soon and thanks !

inkihh added a subscriber: inkihh.Oct 30 2024, 10:31 PM