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Boat issue
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I might have already posted this and if I did I apologize. The boats are still filling with water. When the motor is stopped the boats fill up with water. If you have anything in the boat it typically floats out. The boat goes almost underwater. When you start the motor and start moving the water drains until anytime you stop and it fills back up. This is a huge problem on Sakhal which has freezing cold water.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Get in a boat and start the motor, it will fill with water, drive the boat and stop moving, the boat will fill back up with water every time. This was not an issue when the boats first came out on experimental 1.26, it was after the first experimental patch this problem started and has continued.
Otherwise enjoying the new map, again thanks for all the hard work the devs put in.

Additional Information

On a Xbox series X. This issue is major with the new map and the cold water but also reproducible on other maps

Event Timeline

MrSurfside36 updated the task description. (Show Details)Wed, Oct 23, 8:26 PM