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Reforger Experimental and official CAH mod - Compile error - Can't compile "Game" script module!
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I read that the next official version that is right now in experimental will have the Capture and Hold included.
I just tested to start one of the CAH scenarios and the error

Btw: Will all existing CAH mods need to edit the dependency when it is included in vanilla? I really hope that you find a way that this is not needed.



Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce
  • Start Experimental
  • Choose a CAH scenario
  • Start it

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Oct 21 2024, 2:31 PM

Great guys: I reported this almost two month ago for the experimental and now you released the version with exactly this problem. wtf

Deleting the downloaded mods helps for the build-in CAH. Existing custom CAH mods by the community have to be edited in a painful way …

Why do you need mods for KH if there is an official mode in the game?

CAH was an official mod from Bohemia. It could be used to create own scenarios of CAH. With the latest mod it got integrated in the main game.
That was leading to two errors:

  • Starting the integrated CAH scenarios leads to the error above until you manually delete the mod that has been installed on you machine before. The update should have done that.
  • Every CAH scenario who was created with the mod before has a dependency and will run into an error. All CAH now have to be modified not using this dependency. The update could have an exception to handle this, if somebody would care about these consequence.

I thought of this but nobody reacted …

Geez closed this task as Resolved.Tue, Feb 25, 10:19 AM
Geez claimed this task.