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Workshop upload speed
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Hi, the current upload speed to Workshop is limited to 12 - 14 Mbits and this in the Year 2024... If your going to upload small Mods with a view MB, this is not Problem. But if you have to Upload more GB its a mess.

i checked the speed on different daytimes, so its not because of much uploads at the same time.

Please remove the Uploadspeed limit or increase it to 50 - 100 Mbits.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64

Event Timeline

R34P3R created this task.Sep 29 2024, 9:50 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Sep 30 2024, 5:04 PM

EXP: - its seems the workshop upload is now much faster. i say thanks and this one can be closed as resolved.

DarkWolf closed this task as Resolved.
DarkWolf added a subscriber: DarkWolf.

Hi, we are not limiting speeds in any way so this was probably due to poor connection / routing to the backend which was probably improved by recent changes in infrastructure.

@DarkWolf Hi, ok let us check if the 1.3 going public. Because in 1.2 i need up to one hour to upload a pack with 3 - 4GB (In 1.3 Exp. i only need 20min for 7GB). And like above, the daytime did not makes any difference. So the speed was also bad at 0.3.00 CET (night)