The PreloadManager is currently only used to load the characters. Presumably for the DeployMenu.
But now it often happens in the game that it freezes for 3 - 5 seconds when you open a storage from the dedicated server.
The more items there are in this storage, the longer the game freezes.
Wouldn't it be possible to make the PreloadManager scriptable as well?
This would allow us to start preloading certain items in a storage at the start of the game, for example. This way they would already be loaded when the storage is opened and do not have to be render first.
I imagine this as follows:
Let's assume I create a base with the spawn points and 3 - 4 crates with weapons, ammunition and equipment.
Now I could define in a Storgage script whether the PreloadManager should preload the items at the start of the round.
An optional delay function would also be good here.
This could be used to specify that an item should be preloaded and rendered every 1 - 2 seconds.