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Hackers, hackers, hackers, cheaters...
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I wonder if they are planning to do something with the official servers, this has been going on for 5 years on first-person Livonia (4295). Do you think we really need new clothes, boats (there's nowhere to swim) and other nonsense? Players don't make bases, caches, hide cars, because there's no point, cheaters will find and destroy everything, the servers are dead in terms of gameplay, with a full server in the center of the map you run for 2 hours as if on an empty server and in the end you find a cheater. A bunch of empty Asian accounts with one game, complete impunity, maybe it's time to do something, introduce some restrictions??? I would like to hear an answer, and not delete the topic.
(Special thanks for the reworked spawn, you can meet 10 people in Brena, and on the way there are 20 corpses in it, then we wonder why the servers lag)


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

Geez closed this task as Resolved.Mon, Sep 16, 11:45 AM
Geez claimed this task.

Thanks for the answer, I'll go for a run and die from the cheater like I die every every ebery day.
Thanks for the new patch where the slots were reduced, it seems like you are deliberately mocking the players and complicating everything, isn't it realism and balance? And when I get killed a kilometer away, when will this be balanced?
Thanks to the battleeye for 100500 banned accounts, but there are only more cheats on the official servers