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Mags wont fast load
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic


If one has an almost full inventory (as many do post 1.26 changes) one cant use R to quick load a magazine into a weapon if it´s orientation in inventory is side-ways as the ejected magazine only wants to go by default into an upright position...


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

have Magazine in inventory with no vertical space for same sort of magazine...

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Mon, Sep 16, 11:47 AM
Traqu added a subscriber: Traqu.Mon, Sep 16, 4:44 PM

This was always the case and I don't think it would be related to limited space.
You just need to always place mags in upright position so they can easy swap in eq, but it is annyoing indeed.

Didint notice it before, maybe because inventory space was there to store the empty mags in upright position

Traqu added a comment.Wed, Sep 18, 2:45 AM

If you would want to i.e. quick reload 60rnd with 30 rnd, you must have 30 rnd placed with enough space to the side, similar with 30 to 40 etc.
I also think that if you would have 30 rn maximally to the right side, the 60 rndr might still be dropped on the ground, but I can remember this one for sure