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Constantly kicked because of Battleeye service (client not responding)
Need More Info, NormalPublic


Hi! im getting constantly kicked all the time from any server that I try to play on (Livonia, Chernarus, community, official, every server not just specific number)
error message - You were kicked off the game. BattlEye (client not responding)
server - every server, for example 3982 where i played a lot before kicking started
Steam64id - WiktoruS


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Joining to the server
Playig typically for 20-30 seconds, everything works
after 30 seconds everything is disabled, i can still move on map and hear sounds etc but i cant use items or for example open the door, it takes 20-30 seconds as well
kick message about battleeye error

repeat on any server

Additional Information

I've already tried reinstalling, deleting all BE files and verifying then, verified for 50 times already, even tried third party launcher, nothing helped me yet

Event Timeline

Humskyy created this task.EditedSat, Sep 14, 9:24 PM

I don't know how to upload RPT
file, if u can respond i'll be thankful, and add it asap

Humskyy edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Sat, Sep 14, 9:28 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Mon, Sep 16, 11:54 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello Humskyy.
Do you have a chance to try DayZ on a different network so we can rule out your network being the cause?

Hello! I've tried it and there it works same there, but now when i changed to main network (the same that i was on while writing this post) i can play normally on community servers, but officials still kicks me

Geez added a comment.Wed, Sep 18, 9:45 AM

Thank you, can you try to do a traceroute towards one of the official server IP's?