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HUD in car
Reviewed, NormalPublic


With the change in car physics, a bug appeared when the HUD was turned off. It remains, and when you get out of the car, the stamina HUD appears (even if it is completely disabled in the settings). Many people (including me) like it when there are a minimum of indicators on the screen. In addition, the 3D panel works in cars. It's a pity that you can't turn it off completely. To fix this, you only need to delete two lines ;)



Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version

Event Timeline

I second the vehicle HUD should be actually be turned off when the HUD is toggled off

Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Wed, Aug 28, 9:22 AM

But even if you completely disable the HUD in the settings, it is still visible in the car. I don't want to play with a HUD because it loses the atmosphere. I used to be used to looking at the dashboard the same way. In addition, there are problems with this that I described above

Nate_LapT added a comment.EditedFri, Aug 30, 8:10 AM

Edit, just realized I read the ticket wrong and the first part is this old issue I reported back in 1.23


Just noticed it is possible to disable the Vehicle HUD in 1.26..
Not sure if there is a hotkey for it... There Needs to be for quick Hands Free HUD checks!
Vehicle HUD should be tied to player HUD on/off

but it is possible to disable now.