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Server browser still performs poorly. Frequently cannot connect to backend.
Reviewed, NormalPublic


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Modded?: (Yes/No)
Yes but not the issue.
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Issue Description:
The server browser for Reforger still cannot perform it's basic tasks. Frequently it will take excessive time to populate the browser, if it is able to do so at all. Very often it simply can't even do that, stating it cannot connect to BI backend. Always +999ms ping even when I can connect. This has been a persistent issue for at least several months now. I am OCE based (Australia) so I thought that maybe why I always saw +999ms ping to the backend but given I frequently have encountered this issue I felt it necessary to file this feedback.

As an aside, when I had enough of this issues and logged into this FT today it also had issues loading. They aren't using the same servers/services I assume? I wanted to mark this major as I've been dealing with this since I bought Reforger and imo launching the game and being able to join a match quickly and easily should be important; but I'm sure everyone feels their bug report should be major.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Launch Reforger
  2. Click multiplayer
  3. Pray
  4. Complain in the FT when it doesn't work again.
Additional Information

I've listed the reproducibility as sometimes but again, happens way too frequently (imo).

Event Timeline

nate222 created this task.Tue, Aug 27, 9:04 AM
nate222 updated the task description. (Show Details)Tue, Aug 27, 9:09 AM
nate222 edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Tue, Aug 27, 3:44 PM