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FEEDBACK: Immune System Strength adjustment
Feedback, NormalPublic


As illnesses are being touched on for Sakhal I wanted to offer feedback on the immune system's current thresholds and contributors.

As I understand it, the players base immune system is determined by equal parts Health, Blood, Energy and Hydration. If you're full on all, you're 100% immune to your standard selection of diseases. Below 95% you become susceptible to cholera and salmonella, and below 72% you can develop the cold/flu.
My issue with this is that since food and water consumption at high% has increased, VERY RARELY are players close to full food/hydration, and the full white status icons are far from maximum food/hydration. This leads to many players having white stats across the board, but still developing a cold every 25 minutes even on experimental.

I think either the contribution from food should be lower, as in a 30/30/20/20 split, or by lowering the threshold at which energy/hydration give their full 25% contribution to something more reasonable. Being in good health and having full blood seems like it should be good for your immune system far more than having a full belly of steak. Especially with warm food offering comfort boost, which kind of fulfils a similar role for supporting a player through the environmental struggles.


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

Uncuepa created this task.Aug 21 2024, 4:21 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Aug 21 2024, 12:47 PM