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Problems with the group spawn system
Awaiting internal Testing, UrgentPublic


The group spawn system changes the entire flow of the game, in a negative way. When you spawn where everyone else is spawning, it causes you to almost always be in a loot race with someone else. Someone is always looting ahead of you.

Every well has a pile of human steak, bones and guts. Everyone spawns together, and you know more than anyone how crazy fresh spawns are. So they kill and they maim, and you end up with piles of fishing supplies at every well on the coast.

If I spawn in and kill someone, sometimes that same person spawns in the town that I'm still in, and runs back to me and attacks me.

I had a run where I got into some PVP at elektro fire station. I killed two guys, but took a lot of damage. I died to infected after. Then I spawned in elektro. So did they, and they spawned before me. so they got back to their loot before I did, even though I won the fight. They camped their bodies and killed me when I came back for my rightful loot.

The game was better when everyone got a random spawn. Everyone got a fair shake.


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Aug 20 2024, 4:25 PM

Agreed. The old random spawn system was great and far more realistic.