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Consistent Crashing
Reviewed, NormalPublic


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Issue Description:
Consistently get crashing to desktop after about 20 minutes of gameplay. This happens in my own servers, whether offline or online and whether its nodded or vanilla. This crashing issue even persists in singleplayer. I have already gone through regular troubleshooting and verified the integrity of my game files but the issue persists. I can't identify an exact cause but I suspect a memory leak as the time period seems to be similar to every crash. I have also started experiencing the same crash issue in official servers though less frequent. In the official servers the crashes are random on occasion but if i dont move or interactwith anythingfor 2-5 minutes it guarantees a crash to desktop. I never used to have these crashes before the latest hotfix.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
Latest home version
Steps To Reproduce

Playing is a local server or in singleplayer for about 20 minutes

In official servers giving no input for 2-5 minutes guarantees a crash

Random crashing also in official servers

Additional Information

I have sent the crash reports my Ingatestone username is Electok01 along with the same steam name

Event Timeline

In game username *

Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Mon, Aug 19, 2:51 PM