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Controller Aiming
Feedback, UrgentPublic


Aiming with a controller needs to be revamped. It's very choppy, and lacks the sensitivity to make precise movements with the right stick. I'm always over correcting and shooting to the sides of my target. With the new deadzone settings, if you turn it up high enough and rotate the thumb stick, the reticle will make a square on the screen, which I believe is evidence of a lack of diagonal movement. Some kind of advanced settings to adjust the aiming response curve, more than just turning it up or down, would be a good start. I play on mouse sometimes and it's so much easier to line up a shot, and I have very little mouse experience.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Hold left trigger to aim.
Try to aim with jumpy right stick.
Miss your target.

Additional Information

I love DayZ. It's a top 5 game of all time. A little little more love for controller players would be much appreciated.

Event Timeline

Deadzones should also be a thing. My right stick is very sensitive with slight movements compared to the left so it makes navigating the inventory and anything else very frustrating sometimes.

its added to the 1.26, if you read patchnotes under Added. "Support for stick dead zones"

Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Aug 7 2024, 1:12 PM

its added to the 1.26, if you read patchnotes under Added. "Support for stick dead zones"

Very nice, long due. Thanks.

There is still an axial deadzone even when setting the new deadzone sliders to the minimum. I am using gamesir kalied controller with hall effect thumbsticks and can still feel the lack of finite diagonal aiming.