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Issues with servers (Modded)
Assigned, NormalPublic


Hello, My name is Nash. I am an admin for a server and a server owner. The issue the game has been given is a code that is this Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff63ccc00e3 at 0x7ff600000022. This intern completely shuts the server down and will not restart on its own, we have to go in and relaunch the server, Below is the bug line from the error.
NS5025787, 01.08 2024 11:25:46
Unhandled exception

Program: C:\OmegaManager\servers\2\DayZServer_x64.exe
Reason: Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ff63ccc00e3 at 0x7ff600000022

SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff63ccc00e3
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff63ccabd65
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff63ccb6375
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff63cef441a
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff63cef8530
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff63ceecfdf
[CDPCreateServer]: ??? addr:0x7ff63d34025b
[CDPCreateServer]: ??? addr:0x7ff63d34200b
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff63cdb09bd
[CDPCreateServer]: ??? addr:0x7ff63d3425a4
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff63cdbbabd
[CDPCreateServer]: ??? addr:0x7ff63d349fec
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x7ff63ced0fcb
[CDPCreateServer]: ??? addr:0x7ff63d49a442
[BaseThreadInitThunk]: ??? addr:0x7ff86d964cb0
[RtlUserThreadStart]: ??? addr:0x7ff86e39eceb
[RtlUserThreadStart]: ??? addr:0x7ff86e39eceb


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Dedicated Server
Steps To Reproduce

Launch server.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Aug 6 2024, 11:09 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello nashcjacobs.
Please provide the .mdmp and .rpt file from the occurrence.

This comment was removed by nashcjacobs.

@Geez We have made a new instance, which is where this file was pulled from, which is a copy of the previous server. Do you think if we deleted the prior instance and let the new one run, you think that may help? This issue has been a pain in the ass. The server "nukes" at random times, its never consistent. Could run for 5 min before crash, or 5 hours. It has started right after 1.25.xxxxxx. Any help is appreciated, If you need more of the mdmps, and rpts, I have plenty

Geez changed the task status from Need More Info to Assigned.Aug 14 2024, 11:50 AM

This is the latest one I could generate, the mdmp did not pop up with this

Geez added a comment.Jan 3 2025, 10:01 AM

Hello nashcjacobs.
Unfortunately the files did not reveal anything substantial.
Do you still experience the problem?