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Hitreg is absurdly broken
Awaiting internal Testing, UrgentPublic


Go to any Xbox Server where PVP is common and im sure you will see someone complain about it;

First you run up into a fight and bam there it is your gun doesn't do anything to the guy you're shooting but guess what your moving just as fine on their screen as you are yours.
Mag dump? yeah you better be lucky the other guy is trash at the game because the only way you will have working hitreg is if you survive for ATLEAST 5 seconds after your last shot.

I am not the only one with this issue i can link you to a Discord Server full of people who play on the same server as me who have this issue and it's stupid common - there are no server/connection icons just pure bad net code.

Attached is one example of this issue.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Issue is random and does NOT have any known cause and effect.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Aug 6 2024, 11:44 AM

I feel this is more of a desynchronising thing than anything. Servers like Red vs Green conquest have these issues due to the high capacity of players. It could also be the server as nitrado is a pretty poor hosting service.

@Geez So this happened to another use today and it appears to desync only when you are near players, any word if someone will look at this issue instead of brushing it off?

I feel this is more of a desynchronising thing than anything. Servers like Red vs Green conquest have these issues due to the high capacity of players. It could also be the server as nitrado is a pretty poor hosting service.

This issue is happening on a 50 slot server which has never been an issue on DayZ Xbox.

Geez added a comment.Aug 12 2024, 12:08 PM

I feel this is more of a desynchronising thing than anything. Servers like Red vs Green conquest have these issues due to the high capacity of players. It could also be the server as nitrado is a pretty poor hosting service.

This issue is happening on a 50 slot server which has never been an issue on DayZ Xbox.

Canyou please provide us with the version of the client and if there are any mods running?

@Geez this is on Xbox with vanilla.

Geez changed the task status from Reviewed to Awaiting internal Testing.Aug 13 2024, 12:03 PM