Currently in 1.25 you cannot remove a car battery once it's placed inside a BaseRadio (Field Transceiver).
I found the issue and solution, just needs a tweaked inventory check -
VehicleBattery.c (which CarBattery inherits from) has some code which prevents the car battery from being interacted with once placed in a BaseRadio attachment slot:
override bool CanPutIntoHands(EntityAI player) { if (!super.CanPutIntoHands(parent)) { return false; } if (HasEnergyManager()) { ItemBase poweredDevice = ItemBase.Cast(GetCompEM().GetPluggedDevice()); if (poweredDevice && poweredDevice.IsInherited(MetalWire)) // This should also check "|| IsInherited(BaseRadio) { return true; } else if (poweredDevice) { return false; } } return true; } override bool CanPutInCargo(EntityAI parent) { if (!super.CanPutInCargo(parent)) { return false; } ItemBase poweredDevice = ItemBase.Cast(GetCompEM().GetPluggedDevice()); return !(poweredDevice && poweredDevice.IsInherited(MetalWire)); // also needs BaseRadio check }