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A2S_INFO Keywords: Time and Ingame Date
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Hello :)

Currently the server responds to the A2S_INFO query with a string of keywords, containing useful information like the ingame time and whether it is 1PP or 3PP. I'd like to ask if you could extend this list of keywords to also contain the ingame date.

Using this in combination with the server's daytime and nighttime acceleration factors and the map specific sunrise/sunset times, launchers could calculate the amount of time day and night currently take on the server, and display this information to the user. I currently display the day/night length as a graph for the whole 12 months on my launcher (, so the user can get an approximate idea of how short or long days and nights can get.

I understand that this request comes out of nowhere, and chances of implementation are low. But this has been crossing my mind and I figured I would just give it a try and put my idea out here. I think this would make for a serious quality of life improvement.


Operating System
Windows 7
Server Browser Steam

Event Timeline

ropain created this task.Jul 7 2024, 9:18 PM
ropain updated the task description. (Show Details)
Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Jul 8 2024, 2:23 PM
ropain added a comment.EditedOct 17 2024, 9:51 PM


I'd like to expand on this with a second request: whether or not a server is password protected could also be included in the list of keywords. This would enable launchers to get all necessary server information from the Steam API without having to do a single A2S_INFO query. This works, because the Steam API already includes this keyword list (gametype), presumably from a previous A2S_QUERY.


Hello! With upcoming changes to the launcher, I wanted to ask if this could be tackled as well. Figured I'd shoot my shot. Thanks!
