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Weapon/Attachment Replication Bug - V1.2
Assigned, NormalPublic


There is currently a Bug in Replication in relation to Weapons/Attachments.

Because of this Bug, attached Sights/Scopes will not Replicated to the Clients if you are the LocalHost.

This only happens if the weapon is placed by WorldEditor and not spawned in a storage.


If you have a weapon Prefab with attachments and placing this Prefab into the World by WorldEditor, the weapon will be handled different.
If the LocalHost now equip such weapon and changing the attachments like Scope, it will not replicated to Clients (weapons still have the old one attached)

If you try the same, but spawning the weapon inside a Storage, it will work without issue. So i think the Replication problem is placement related.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

1: Use a weapon Prefab with predefined Attachments (like Scope)
2: Open a World and Place the weapon Prefab onto the ground, and any storage (Arsenal) with attachments in it.
3: Create a local session with the PeerTool or open a Multiplayer session with a Client
4: LocalHost now equip the weapon from the ground (at this stage all is fine)
5: Now LocalHost changing the Scope or Attachment of the weapon
6: New Attachments/Scope will not show on Client side. Its still the old one.

Event Timeline

R34P3R created this task.Sun, Jun 30, 3:35 PM
R34P3R edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Sun, Jun 30, 9:41 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Mon, Jul 1, 1:51 PM