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Helicopter Mouse Control SLOW
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic


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Issue Description:

Since the latest update, using mouse for controlling the helicopter's Cyclic actions is EXTREMELY slow.
It is very sluggish and I have to bind my cyclic actions to keys now to be able to move the helicopter.
Prior to the 1.2 update, this was not an issue.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Ensure you are using a mouse and have the cyclic actions bound to the mouse.

Additional Information

The mouse cyclic movements now seem to have some sort of weird progressive sensitivity to it. But the sensitivity is way too low/slow and is nearly impossible to use the mouse to control the helicopter now. Keys are way more responsive..

Event Timeline

+1 on this. Needing to move my mouse so much i need to lift it back 3 times to do a turn is annoying and making it hard to use mouse control.

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Jul 1 2024, 12:58 PM

Any update on this?

+1 for this. Multiple people I know has this issue.

zer0_AU added a subscriber: zer0_AU.Feb 7 2025, 5:12 PM

Any status update ?
Mouse control is superior to using my keyboard as I have much more resolution in regards to fine cyclic adjustment.
The current implementation is far too slow to practically use (I’d need to drag my mouse across my room almost.
(800dpi , standard windows sense , no mouse acceleration)

Krozj added a subscriber: Krozj.Feb 8 2025, 10:57 AM

I think the controls are fine. The sensitivity allows for very precise control, and in the rare cases when you need to turn at max speed for a long period of time or in the extreme scenarios you can use WASD. But there is a top speed limit for the mouse. If you move it too fast, then it won't register. So I'm moving my mouse very slowly and I have more than enough mouse pad space, even though it's not that big. It might be hard to get used to it, since when you turn so slowly you might want to move your mouse faster, but it just makes it worse. So, "impossible" is a great overstatement.

Krozj added a comment.EditedFeb 8 2025, 10:59 AM

It might be more of a taste question, so allowing for players to choose their own sensitivity for helicopters would be the solution, I think

I just want the stick deflection to match what my mouse is doing rather than having the same result regardless of moving my mouse slow or fast. It makes them feel disconnected almost.

I’d love to see them change the stick inputs so you can have more agency over cyclic controls with the tradeoff being that too much of an input leads to the helicopter sliding through the air more.

There’s currently way too much “grip” and collective authority when flying.

Krozj added a comment.Thu, Feb 13, 7:43 AM

This is true that it might feel disconnected, when the input is faster than it's needed to be, since there is no way to force a speed limit on a mouse.

"...tradeoff being that too much of an input leads to the helicopter sliding through the air more" - I thought of something similar, like putting the inputs in a some sort of queue, although I'm not sure how exactly this should work to feel good. I can agree that this would be a good change to the system, but it depends on a good implementation.

When I think of it now, making more sensitivity for a helicopter would not make much difference, since it would make it so, that you reach the helicopter's physical limits earlier with even less input. So it might feel even more disconnected. On the other hand, making less sensitivity would force you to move your mouse more, when it's already somewhat of a problem, so it's not about sensitivity at all.