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Task does not complete after death
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Issue Description:
On a dedicated server, if you are the only player, and die trying to complete a task, the task will not complete. Tasks only complete if there are 2 or more players AND one is alive the whole time. You must have a live player all the time for the task to complete.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
10.0.22631 Build 22631
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Create a scenario framework scenario.
  2. Create a single clear task.
  3. Place on a dedicated server.
  4. Play and attempted to clear the area.
  5. Let the AI kill you.
  6. Respawn back in and clear the area.
  7. The task does not complete.
Additional Information

This issue happens on our dedicated server. I discovered it while play testing a scenario.
If I stay alive and get trigger dominance, the task completes.
If I die, and then spawn in and get trigger dominance it does not complete.
When multiple players are on and they all die, it does not complete.
If one person, doesn't matter who is alive, task completes.

Event Timeline