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Terrain boundary’s for terrain set to locked number / doesn’t change with terrain creation
Assigned, NormalPublic


When creating a new world and making a new terrain plane, the boundary for the camera (black outline) is small and doesn’t reflect the size of the map created.

My current map I’ve been working on has had its boundary’s reset, and there is multiple reports of other map creators having this issue since newest update putting development of these maps effectively on halt.

Best reproducible on fresh terrain)

I also notice if you try and reset the value of world boundary’s it will not let you save the values and resets to the number randomly set.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Create new project
  2. Enter world editor

3.Create world file
4 . Create terrain plane entity (any size)

  1. Notice that the black outline doest’t reflect the terrain limits (yellow outline )

Steps for existing terrain resetting boundary

  1. Load map that’s not affected.
  2. Place any object, spline, etc
  3. Save and reload world.
  4. Find black outline is now small and you can’t move editor camera past distance previously able to
Additional Information

Best reproducible on a fresh new created world.

Reddit link for someone else having issue on existing Terrian

Event Timeline

Irko created this task.Thu, Jun 27, 4:15 PM
Irko added a comment.Thu, Jun 27, 4:17 PM
This comment was removed by Irko.
Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Thu, Jun 27, 5:04 PM
Irko updated the task description. (Show Details)Fri, Jun 28, 8:06 AM
Irko edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
Irko renamed this task from Terrain boundary’s for terrain set to arbitrary number, doesn’t change with terrain creation to Terrain boundary’s for terrain set to arbitrary number / doesn’t change with terrain creation.Fri, Jun 28, 10:51 AM
Irko changed Category from General to Editor.
Irko renamed this task from Terrain boundary’s for terrain set to arbitrary number / doesn’t change with terrain creation to Terrain boundary’s for terrain set to locked number / doesn’t change with terrain creation.Fri, Jun 28, 10:53 AM
Irko updated the task description. (Show Details)