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Load server config for listen server
Feedback, NormalPublic


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Issue Description: Not to be rude but the Listen Server config screens are a shambles.

  • Settings aren't remembered between sessions and cannot be defaulted.
  • Mods cannot be saved in collections and easily added or removed
  • Most mods in the mod list disappear between hosted sessions. You have to exit Multiplayer and re-enter to reset the mod list
  • Mods are listed in random (?) order making it extremely difficult to find the correct mods to enable or disable
  • The order of mods in the list changes and behaves strangely when you do enable mods.

Currently you can save a listen server config but you cannot then reload it, which would eradicate all of these issues and allow players/hosts to create specific config files for specific scenarios and mod load outs ( much like dedicated servers can )


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce

Set up a listen server with mods on a client that has many mods installed, exit the server and then try to set up a new server with the same scenario and mods selected. Exit Multiplayer and the re-enter and try again.

Additional Information

Please include a Load option in the listen server config screen so that you can easily load server config files saved from the same screen.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Thu, Jun 27, 5:02 PM