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Livonia Police/Military Clothing
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Windows 11 x64
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I have been playing DayZ for around a year and this point and been infatuated by the lore and worldbuilding of Chernarus. Recently with the 1.25 update Livonia had become free for all, and since then I have been playing that map a fair bit. In playing this map, I noticed that most of the text in game is in Polish, and most of what isn't in Polish is in English or German. The one major exception to this is the police uniforms and stab vest, which still read "POLITSIA" in Russian on the back. This of course makes sense in Chernarus with the whole Russian ethnic minority in the region plot point, however with Livonia it makes less sense. It could potentially make some sense if Livonia was part of Kaliningrad Oblast during Soviet times and thus kept some level of the Soviet bureaucratic system in the form of their police uniforms, however this is negated by the fact that the wrecked police cars and the placards to the right of the police station doors are both in Polish, as well as the fact that during Soviet times, the police force was referred to as the "Militsia" rather than "Politsia", which was a change only made after the fall of the USSR.

This is an incredibly minor issue, however, for me at least, it detracts heavily from the immersion of the game, which is a major element of base game DayZ. Though I have personally not done any sort of modding or dev work for DayZ or Arma, I have done some very basic work in the realm of Minecraft mods, and so to me at least it seems a very simple 10 minute texture change would be all that is needed, like was done with the crest on the pioneer rifle.

Additionally, though this is of even lesser priority, the military uniforms are another aspect in which immersion is reduced somewhat. The TTSKO afghaka style "Combat Uniform" and the various versions of the Partizan-SS pattern gorka suit make a lot of sense for Chernarus, being a post-soviet nation with limited ability to R&D new uniforms, however with Livonia being so close to Poland and Lithuania, both NATO Nations, and seemingly much closer aligned with the West than the East, the use of legacy Soviet camouflage patterns makes much less sense. As with the aforementioned police uniforms, all that would be required is a simple texture change, with a suggestion being changing the TTSKO uniform to Polish Wz.93 "Pantera" pattern, and the Gorka suits being changed to German "Flecktarn" pattern, maybe even going as far as to use the older pre-2005 version for the winter version and the post-2005 for the summer version which currently exist in game.

Admittedly these are incredibly minor issues which do not majorly effect gameplay if at all, however from my understanding of game design, implementing these very minor changes would likely take one of y'alls people a few hours with only very minimal effort, and would in term fairly radically create a distinction between the two official maps, and with y'all's company's obsession with detail in other games like Arma 2, it only seems fitting that this same focus on the fine details would be carried over to DayZ.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Jun 24 2024, 11:11 AM