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Local Host: Host Screen shakes when connected players crash with a car
Reviewed, NormalPublic


Game Version number: (im unsure as im not at my pc right now, its the current stable update)
Modded?: No

when a player connected to a locally hosted session crashes a car, the hosting player will see their screen shake, no matter if they were involved in the crash


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

two players needed.
one hosts a local session from inside the game (we only tested game master everon), second player joins. spawn a vehicle (S105 in our case), have player two crash the car into an obstacle with speed while hosting player keeps their distance.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Wed, Jun 5, 11:38 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.Wed, Jun 19, 5:56 PM

Hello ErikFehrenic.
We are unable to reproduce the issue on our end.
Was the hosting player in GM mode or in-game when the screen was shaking?
Do you have any video of the issue happening?
Can you provide any more details on the issue?

okay, we've tested it again and its only happening when both host and connected player are sitting in a car. in a video were both sitting in the same S105, but weve also done another test where he crashes a Willis Jeep while I'm still sitting in the S105.

Geez changed the task status from Awaiting internal Testing to Reviewed.Thu, Jun 20, 3:40 PM

Thank you, despite all the information provided, we were unable to reproduce the issue on our end.
Tested on locally hosted server with two clients based on the provided video. It is possible that the issue has been fixed for the upcoming updates.