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Infected hyper-awareness
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I wouldn’t call this issue super major, but it’s certainly not minor either. With just under 500 hours in game, I’d say I’ve got some good experience and have been made aware of how infected function. I want to preface by saying I really enjoy the idea of making the zombie experience more dangerous/scary, instead of hardly a nuisance for geared players. However, giving the zeds super-senses is not the way to go (if this was intentional and not a bug). Since the last update, infected have been somehow locking onto me in situations they never had before. I can be crouch walking up the stairs in a house, away from windows, and a zed will scream at me and wait at the door for me to come out. Or it can be raining, in the middle of the night on a FPP server (so dark nights), and a zed will see me from maybe 30 meters out and come running. To make zeds scarier, we’d love to see the ability for them to climb on cars, break down certain doors, or even introduce the chance to find a horde in towns or the wilderness. Or even just not turning stupid when one infected is dealing with more than one player. But giving zeds hyper-awareness doesn’t make them scarier or deadlier, just a massive pain in the butt! We hope to see a fix soon, I love this game and enjoy all the fun it’s given me.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Crouch walk/crouch run around town with infected and you’ll notice them agro-ing much more often than before the update.

Event Timeline

I adore this game as well and snow rider cherish the enjoyment it has brought me.

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