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Issue Description:

Thank you for not forgetting TrackIR or any other head/eye tracking system users. The sensitivity is now in manageable values, except for these, let's call'em glitches.

  1. There seems to be an unnecessary deadzone in the head movement, maybe because of the inclusion of game controllers (since this was not a problem in Arma 3). The deadzone is there even when TrackIR software is set to 1:1 movement and in addition to the deadzone, there is a jump in the movement when it eventually starts. That means that for about 3 degrees of head movement there is no movement in the in game image, and when the movement starts the image jumps to that amount of movement instead of starting smoothly from the center. To put it shortly, small movements from center causes image to jump a few degrees which is distracting when trying to track a target.
  1. Binocular view. Moving your head while watching through binoculars causes the image to move. And with the previous point's movement starting suddenly and jumping binoculars are unnecessary difficult to use. One could of course pause the TrackIR, but wouldn't it better to implement it the same way as it is in Arma 3, where binoculars, launcher optics and such automatically ignore TrackIR inputs.
  1. Freelook (Alt-view) becomes unnecessarily confusing when TrackIR is active, and it is weird that it actually is necessary, but you cannot move your head the same way with TrackIR than you can with freelook. This is most prominent (that I noticed so far) when trying to move from HMMWV gunner position to any of the inside positions. You can actually reach more action points with freelook than with TrackIR.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Please include reproduction steps here!!!!

Event Timeline

Sorry for the double. i created this one without details.

Akibuua-FIN- closed this task as a duplicate of T181709: TrackIR.May 31 2024, 4:54 PM