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Today 26.5.2024, time 18:40+-, on DE 1297 (1st Person Only) CHEATER 100%
Closed, ResolvedPublic


DE 1297 (1st Person Only

Today, on May 26, 2024, time 18:45 (CZECH REPUBLIC), I had a duel with people who had no trouble shooting in Elektrozavodsk, driving a car, and had no issue with being interrupted. I want to point out that I observed them through a hunting scope from a very long distance, and they couldn't see me, yet they knew immediately where I was and where I was moving in the hills around the town, because they aimed at me right away. Then, I hid in a house, which they followed me into, and we even had a conversation after I killed one of them.

I said that I thought they were hackers. He said that I killed his friend. I confronted him again, saying he was a hacker, and he responded, "Do you think you can kill a hacker?" I said, "YES." He then said, "Watch this," and shot me from outside, through two walls into the second floor (I had the door locked and was lying on the floor aiming at the stairs). Unfortunately, this isn't the first time, and I believe the current protection of official servers is not working. I am saddened by this.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64

Event Timeline

Rype created this task.May 26 2024, 7:03 PM
Geez closed this task as Resolved.May 27 2024, 11:03 AM
Geez claimed this task.
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Thank you, we will investigate with BattlEye.