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Cannot Start Arma Reforger Server
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Please provide the following when creating the Ticket:

Game Version number: Version built 2024-05-19
Modded?: No

Issue Description:

Cannot start Reforger dedicated server. Crash on startup

14:12:23.700 INIT : Creating game instance(ArmaReforgerScripted), version built 2024-05-19 17:51:46 UTC.
14:12:23.716 BACKEND : Loading dedicated server config.
14:12:23.716 BACKEND : Server config loaded.
14:12:23.716 BACKEND : Loading dedicated server config.
14:12:23.717 BACKEND : JSON Schema Validation:
14:12:23.718 BACKEND : additionalProperties error:
14:12:23.718 BACKEND (E): Param "#/gameProperties" is not allowed and must be removed.
14:12:23.719 BACKEND (E): JSON is invalid!
14:12:23.719 BACKEND (E): There are errors in server config!
14:12:23.719 BACKEND (E): Unable to continue with a broken DS config! Shutdown!
14:12:23.720 ENGINE (E): Error while initializing game.
14:12:23.886 ENGINE (E): Unable to initialize the game
14:12:23.903 ENGINE : Game destroyed.
14:12:23.920 RPL : Pip::Destroy

Config file for reference.
"bindAddress": "",
"bindPort": 2001,
"publicAddress": "",
"publicPort": 2001,
"a2s": {

		"address": "",
		"port": 17777

"game": {

		"name": "Crytec - Experimental",
		"password": "crytec",
		"passwordAdmin": "Password",
		"admins": [
		"scenarioId": "{59AD59368755F41A}Missions/21_GM_Eden.conf",
		"maxPlayers": 32,
		"visible": true,
		"crossPlatform": true
		"supportedPlatforms": ["PLATFORM_PC","PLATFORM_XBL"],

"gameProperties": {

		"serverMaxViewDistance": 2500,
		"serverMinGrassDistance": 50,
		"networkViewDistance": 1000,
		"disableThirdPerson": false,
		"fastValidation": true,
		"battlEye": true,
		"VONDisableUI": true,
		"VONDisableDirectSpeechUI": true,
		"missionHeader": {
			"m_iPlayerCount": 40,
			"m_eEditableGameFlags": 6,
			"m_eDefaultGameFlags": 6,
			"other": "values"

"mods": [],
"operating": {

		"lobbyPlayerSynchronise": true



Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Windows Server 2022 Version 21H2 (OS Build 20348.2461)
Steps To Reproduce

Launch ArmaReforgerServer.exe via start.bat file server will begin to launch but will crash when attempting to load config json.

Additional Information

Verified JSON is correct and follows syntax. Can start stable build Reforger server on the same box. Server is on at dedicated box and is not virtual. Issue only exists with with experimental build.

Event Timeline

Geez added a subscriber: Geez.Mon, May 27, 1:04 PM

Hello Firefox_101.
The structure is incorrect.
This is how it should look


   "bindAddress": "",
   "bindPort": 2001,
   "publicAddress": "",
   "publicPort": 2001,
   "a2s": {
		"address": "",
		"port": 17777


    "game": {
        "name": "Crytec - Experimental",
		"password": "crytec",
		"passwordAdmin": "Password",
		"admins": [
		"scenarioId": "{59AD59368755F41A}Missions/21_GM_Eden.conf",
		"maxPlayers": 32,
		"visible": true,
        "supportedPlatforms": [
        "gameProperties": {
            "serverMaxViewDistance": 2500,
		    "serverMinGrassDistance": 50,
		    "networkViewDistance": 1000,
		    "disableThirdPerson": false,
		    "fastValidation": true,
		    "battlEye": true,
		    "VONDisableUI": true,
		    "VONDisableDirectSpeechUI": true,
		    "missionHeader": {
			    "m_iPlayerCount": 40,
			    "m_eEditableGameFlags": 6,
			    "m_eDefaultGameFlags": 6,
			    "other": "values"


"mods": [


  "operating": {
    "lobbyPlayerSynchronise": true


Geez closed this task as Resolved.Mon, May 27, 1:05 PM
Geez claimed this task.

So they changed game properties from a top level object so that is now nested under the game object?