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Game crash in loading screen.
Need More Info, NormalPublic


This is a form to report an issue from the PC VERSION of the game.
I am using the Steam version 1.25, this bug is happening one year now, i have tried a lot of things that i can think of. Basically when i hit the "play" button on steam the launcher shows up. Everything is okey until i decide to play. whenever i press the "play" button or try to join a server through the launcher , i always have the message "Steam is online.". i hope you can help me i will send you the dxdiag file and ill zip you the game folders so if you notice anything wrong with the files you can let me know.
Thank you for your time and patience , Pavlos


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Additional Information

Event Timeline

debbudo created this task.Fri, May 24, 10:54 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Fri, May 24, 2:07 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello debbudo.
Can you please provide us with a screenshot of the error message you are receinving?

of course,

Geez added a comment.Fri, May 24, 3:13 PM

This does not seem like there is anything wrong, does the game launch after pressing Play?

debbudo added a comment.EditedFri, May 24, 3:17 PM

no this is where it stucks. I pressed the play button once at 2:57 as you can see and nothing happend, I did it again and it just stucks with the message "Ready to play-Steam is online"

Geez added a comment.Fri, May 24, 3:24 PM

Can you please try the following?

Verify the game data through Steam and delete the configuration files when prompted to do so (Make sure Steam Cloud Sync is disabled prior to doing this) or delete the C:\Users\*username*\Documents\DayZ folder manually

Open the DayZ launcher
Select PARAMETERS menu
scroll down and check "Bulldozer" parameter
Launch the game
Once launched, close the game
Uncheck bulldozer
Launch the game again without any parameters


Same thing again, i checked the bulldozer parameter and hit the play button but the same thing happended. nothing opens just the launcher as it is in the screen i sent you. i closed the game re-opend it, unchecked the parameter, hit play but nothing happened.

Geez added a comment.Fri, May 24, 3:45 PM

Are your GPU drivers up to date? have you tried to do a clean install? Have you tried different versions? Have you tried to disable all software but DayZ?