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Modify ranking system in contest
Feedback, NormalPublic


Game Version: (steam)
Modded: Yes

I ussually play the modded hardcore europe server in contenst: "[EU] W.C.S. Realism NATO/RUS Eastern Europe Conflict #4 |"

Here the only way to get supplies at a base is to drive them there. That is all good in my opinion. It makes the game more realistic. But the ranking for supplies is a bit out of place in my opinion. for example. If I want to level up I wil only drive supplies between the main base and the next
nearest base. I will not drive to a base far away. That would not make sense. It would just waste my time. So if a base is far and you drove those supplies far give them a distance reward of 2,5 times the progress. Otherwise you will never export something far away from youre base. Real people wil just not do that.

Why does only a driver get progress when transporting? Why no progress for just walking and fighting together. Now I feel like I have to be a lorytruck drive or taxi driver as only way to progress.

Of courese captureing aswell. But only in the beginning with the bases controled with AI you capture a lot. After that not so mutch.
If your a gunner driving allong you get no experience. If you kill a lot of ennemy's hardly anny experience.
Are you the guy at the start of the match in the driver seat transporting ten people. You get a lot of experience.

So I would like to see a system that is fair for distance traveled with supplies.
Fair for people just being together in a transport. Give them working together points. Walking distance together points.
Being a observend gunner points. Otherwise only the taxi drive and the truck drive gets al the experience. And al other guys just get a lot les


Operating System
Windows 10 x64

Event Timeline

Ricks created this task.May 12 2024, 3:28 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.May 13 2024, 1:23 PM