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[Feature Request] Expand magazineTurretAmmo, setMagazineTurretAmmo and magazinesTurret commands with additional parameters
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I requested similar changes on, but it wasn't really the right place to do it.

I'm working on improving ACE cook-off and having the magazineTurretAmmo, setMagazineTurretAmmo and magazinesTurret commands expanded with the following additional parameters would be helpful in this endeavor:

  • magazineTurretAmmo and setMagazineTurretAmmo: Add 2 optional parameters that allow you to specify the magazine and creator IDs. vehicle magazineTurretAmmo [magazineName, turretPath, id, creator] and vehicle setMagazineTurretAmmo [magazineName, ammoCount, turretPath, id, creator] respectively.
  • magazinesTurret: Add an optional parameter to the alt syntax (or add a new command, but imo not necessary) that returns the same info as magazinesAllTurrets. turretPath is unnecessary, so the return would be Array - in the following format: [[className, ammoCount, id, creator],...].

I want to be able to easily edit individual magazines within turrets. Currently it is possible to do so, but it takes a lot of extra, heavy, and unnecessary processing to achieve it (you need to remove all magazines, add all of them back individually in a loop, checking every iteration if the magazine you want to edit is the correct one and do stuff accordingly).
The reason why I want to edit individual magazines is because it would allow the removal of ammo gradually during cook-off. Every time ammunition cooks off, said amount of ammunition would be removed from a random magazine.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Feature Request
Additional Information

This feature request is somewhat coupled with

Event Timeline

johnb43 created this task.May 6 2024, 12:31 PM