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Combat Ops Everon - not able to end a task (destroy a vehicle / kill a certain character) - looks like lost references to target entities
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic


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Game Version number:
Modded?:** No

Issue Description:

if you touch/ drive an vehicle, which is meant to be destroyed, will be deleted by the garbagecollection, if you leave the vehicle or die by an enemy attac and don't reach the vehicle again in time. So the vehicle will be deleted by the garbage collector but players can now never fullfill the task, cause the vehicle to be destroyed dosn't exists anymore. So, please let the target-vehicle respawn with propper reference at the inital place or exclude it from garbage-collection / despawning and point a marker at the map, where it is.

A similar problem i recognized, when I have to kill a certain AI character. After leaving the trigger area (which triggers the AI to spawn / despawn) the target_character despawns obviosly too and maybee respawns too, when you reenter the area but without the propper reference in it to the task. So, you can shoot the target-Character down but the task will not/never be able to be completed. for me, this looks like the target-character-entity lost the reference to the task while respawning


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

task destroy a vehicle in Combat Ops - enter the target vehicle and drive some meters away, than leave the vehicle and leave the area. Wait some time ( the time, which is configured in the garbage collection to delete abandoned vehicles). Then search for / try to find the vehicle to be destroyed ... it's gone / deleted by the garbage collector and the task stays .... this will lead to a lot of frustration and i think, it's easy to fix

Event Timeline

ospx01 created this task.Thu, May 2, 8:02 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Fri, May 3, 11:39 AM