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Audio distortion
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic


In the last few patches i have noticed audio distortion on some explosions , gunshots an dynamic gas zone explosions . In the dayz config file the volume master an volume fx is defaulted to 10 . Changing this value to anything higher than 12 will make the audio on some gunshots , explosions , dynamic gas drops to distort but not the normalized ingame sound . Is this an intended feature or is there an actual bug with the audio or maybe the sounds that are distorted are a different bitrate /frequency to the normal ingame audio? . I understand that the value of 10 in the config file is maybe 100% ? An changing it to 12 makes it 120% . It is more noticable with higher impedance headphones if that helps thanks


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Edit dayz config file volume max an volume fx to anything above 12 , the higher the number the more distortion , 20 is a perfect an very noticable value . Listen to gun shots or explosions etc

Event Timeline

Husky created this task.Thu, Apr 25, 10:53 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Fri, Apr 26, 10:52 AM