Occurs when you set a player in Game Master mode and want to take him over.
Can be readjusted at will.
log ...
SCRIPT : SCR_BaseGameMode::OnGameStateChanged = GAME SCRIPT : ServerAdminTools | Event serveradmintools_game_started | no data
RPL : ServerImpl event: authenticating (identity=0x00000000, address=
RPL : ServerImpl event: connected (identity=0x00000000)
WORLD : UpdateEntities
DEFAULT : BattlEye Server: Adding player identity=0x00000000, name='[v0³] Oni'
DEFAULT : BattlEye Server: 'Player #0 [v0³] Oni ( connected'
DEFAULT : BattlEye Server: Setting GUID for player identity=0x00000000, GUID=76561198017629477
DEFAULT : BattlEye Server: 'Player #0 [v0³] Oni - BE GUID: d6a1c1b04f976289a58ea554bbe7dc4e'
DEFAULT : BattlEye Server: 'Connected to BE Master'
NETWORK : Player connected: connectionID=0
NETWORK : ### Connecting player: connectionID=0, Name=
WORLD : UpdateEntities
RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame
NETWORK : ### Creating player: PlayerId=1, Name=[v0³] Oni
WORLD : UpdateEntities
RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame
NETWORK : ### Updating player: PlayerId=1, Name=[v0³] Oni, IdentityId=13e12dad-7597-4bd3-8887-df9af9c27672
WORLD : UpdateEntities
RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame
SCRIPT (W): Ban Settings could not be loaded from BE Storage: Relying on default config SCRIPT : ServerAdminTools_GameModeComponent.UpdatePlayerHistory | Player joined, id: 1, RplIdentity (hex): 0, name: [v0³] Oni, identityId: 13e12dad-7597-4bd3-8887-df9af9c27672 SCRIPT : ServerAdminTools | Event serveradmintools_player_joined | player: [v0³] Oni, identity: 13e12dad-7597-4bd3-8887-df9af9c27672 NETWORK : Players connecting: 0 NETWORK : Players connected: 1 / 1
WORLD : UpdateEntities
RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame
SCRIPT : Player '1' approved vote | Vote Type: 'EDITOR_IN' | Vote value: '-1' | Count (1/3)
WORLD : UpdateEntities
RPL : rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame
RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{59EF8ECAE1DCD417}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeEdit.et" WORLD : Entity prefab load @"{59EF8ECAE1DCD417}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeEdit.et" RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{59EF8ECAE1DCD417}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeEdit.et" WORLD : Entity prefab load @"{59EF8ECAE1DCD417}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeEdit.et" RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{59EF8ECAE1DCD417}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeEdit.et" WORLD : Entity prefab load @"{59EF8ECAE1DCD417}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeEdit.et" RESOURCES : GetResourceObject @"{C83A53726A0146F3}Configs/Editor/PlaceableEntities/R3DCORE_Props.conf" DEFAULT : Config load @"{C83A53726A0146F3}Configs/Editor/PlaceableEntities/R3DCORE_Props.conf" RESOURCES (E): Wrong GUID/name for resource @"{9E4BAB69419D9AE3}PrefabsEditable/Auto/Weapons/HeavyWeapons" in property "m_sSourceDirectory" ENTITY : SpawnEntityPrefab @"{59EF8ECAE1DCD417}Prefabs/Editor/Modes/EditorModeEdit.et" ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:2305843009213699880" ('SCR_EditorModeEntity') at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000> SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_EntityCatalogManagerComponent' trying to get entity list of type 'GROUP' but there is no catalog with that type. SCRIPT (W): 'SCR_EntityCatalogManagerComponent' trying to get entity list of type 'WEAPONS_TRIPOD' but there is no catalog with that type. SCRIPT : ServerAdminTools | Event serveradmintools_vote_ended | winner: [v0³] Oni, type: editor_in, target: [v0³] Oni
WORLD : UpdateEntities
WORLD : Frame
ENGINE (E): Application crashed! Generated memory dump: /tmp/883a66ca-eb37-4d27-aad996ab-e09cd334.dmp