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40mm GL ammo - compatibility issues
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When I have only SOGPF and the new Reaction Forces cDLC loaded (no other mods or cDLCs), I'm unable to use RF's new RC-40 ammo in many/all of the EGLM-equipped rifles. MX-GL, which seems to be the only 3GL-equipped rifle in vanilla and the regular DLCs, is not affected.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Placed down B_QRF_soldier_UAV_RF character in Eden.
  2. Edited loadout to make his primary the Katiba GL.
  3. Noticed that RC-40 is not listed in the "magazines for currently selected weapon" tab of the arsenal editor.
  4. Forced some RC-40 rounds into his vest via the general "magazines" tab.
  5. Returned to editor and ran scenario.
  6. Tried to reload a RC-40 round, but it isn't an option in the scrollwheel menu.
  7. Tried to drag an RC-40 round into the GL ammo slot in the inventory UI, but it wouldn't work.
Additional Information

I didn't test every GL-equipped weapon, but all of the half-dozen I tried (from vanilla, Apex, and Contact) were affected.

Western Sahara's 40mm 12 gauge pellet grenade is similarly affected, but the GLX 40 (which is a dedicated 3GL) is not affected.

Event Timeline

dmorchard edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Mar 29 2024, 4:46 AM
dmorchard edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Mar 29 2024, 4:57 AM
dmorchard updated the task description. (Show Details)Mar 29 2024, 5:03 AM