Occurs at irregular intervals.
Cannot be actively readjusted.
Arma Reforger Server
Behavior after update to
ServerEngine behavior: Apparently stops working. When querying the status, everything is running.
Behavior InGame: You can move on the server but there is no feedback.
Behavior InGame Browser: Server is no longer displayed.
Server behavior: No utilization
BACKEND : SAVE PLAYER - Requested [4]
RPL : ServerImpl event: disconnected (identity=0x00000000), group=1, reason=9
RPL : ServerImpl event: disconnected (identity=0x00000001), group=1, reason=9
RPL : ServerImpl event: disconnected (identity=0x00000004), group=1, reason=9
Arma Reforger Server
Behavior after update to
ServerEngine behavior: Apparently stops working. When querying the status, everything is running.
Behavior InGame: You can move on the server but there is no feedback.
Behavior InGame Browser: Server is no longer displayed.
Server behavior: No utilization
WORLD : UpdateEntities
WORLD : Frame
DEFAULT (W): DamageManager.HandleDamage - Struck HitZone doesn't belong to this damage manager! Prefab: @"ENTITY:1290033" ('LightEntity') at <3902.644043 19.079929 8476.894531>
RPL : ServerImpl event: authenticating (identity=0x00000004, address=
RPL : ServerImpl event: authentication timeout (identity=0x00000004)
NETWORK (W): AuthFailureCallback called (identity=0x00000004, group=1, reason=3)
RPL : ServerImpl event: connection refused (identity=0x00000004)
RPL : ServerImpl event: disconnected (identity=0x00000002), group=1, reason=9
RPL : ServerImpl event: authenticating (identity=0x00000002, address=
RPL : ServerImpl event: disconnected (identity=0x00000000), group=1, reason=9
RPL : ServerImpl event: authentication timeout (identity=0x00000002)
NETWORK (W): AuthFailureCallback called (identity=0x00000002, group=1, reason=3)
RPL : ServerImpl event: connection refused (identity=0x00000002)
RPL : ServerImpl event: disconnected (identity=0x00000003), group=1, reason=9
^CRPL : ServerImpl event: disconnected (identity=0x00000001), group=1, reason=9
Arma Reforger Server
Behavior after update to
ServerEngine behavior: Apparently stops working. When querying the status, everything is running.
Behavior InGame: You can move on the server but there is no feedback.
Behavior InGame Browser: Server is no longer displayed.
Server behavior: No utilization
RESOURCES (E): Wrong GUID/name for resource @"{29FBEC1991810EEF}system/wbdata/ParticleEditor/defaultPrefab.et" in property "Prefab"
RPL : ServerImpl event: disconnected (identity=0x00000000), group=1, reason=9
RPL : ServerImpl event: disconnected (identity=0x00000001), group=1, reason=9