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deloot=1 caps at nominal loot value
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic


When types has deloot=1 (to spawn on crashsites/convoys) it will only spawn in until the nominal value of the type is reached. The vanilla types has all deloot also count in storage/player/horder etc which would motivate that a type can no longer spawn in when the nominal value on the map has been reached. But removing the count in horder, cargo, player to "0" and only have count in map = 1 as well as deloot = 1 gives the same results.

For instance: AUG, NVGGoggles, FAL, SVD, AmmoBox having them as minimal (1) nominal (3) will result in everything spawning in as it should, but once all items has been taken there is no count on the map, meaning they should spawn in again on another helicrash event or convoy but they dont.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
Windows Server 2022/2019
Steps To Reproduce

Take any items, vanilla or modded and put the deloot="1" and count in map ="1" , rest of the flags should be 0.
Wipe the event.bin storage and get new crashsites/convoys spawning. Loot the item/type you set to deloot=1, if you have nominal (3) for instance, you should be able to get 3 of this item after some time. Wait for new crashsites/convoys to spawn or simply restart and wipe event.bin from storage to spawn in new. Once all (3) has been picked up and either placed in player inventory or storage, the following crashsites/convoy/deloot events will not spawn in any more of the item, even if the flags settings state so.

Additional Information

All files and xmls has been verified. This has been done in multiple ways by restarting server, wiping over and over again, deleting events.bin and also waiting on the server for hours and looting new dynamic events.

There seems to be some issue with the deloot flag that it caps at the nominal value of the type. Making this impossible for a serverowner to get the modification one wants (for instance having FAL spawn in on crashsite and not capped/counted in player inventory or horder. This issue is proven by raising the nominal values of an item/type and restart the server. The dynamic events will now spawn in these items again as the nominal value has been reached. This issue has been noticed on several servers.

Event Timeline

Task re-created as previous task ignored.

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Feb 21 2024, 2:04 PM

Disregard this ticket. Vanilla files seem to be working (official ones).

Im not sure what causes it, maybe it would be worth trying the reproducing steps and see if there is anything to it?

Because my files/types did not work. As soon as I put NVG goggles to exact same as vanilla, they are spawning in again. Is it due to a certain mininum of items there need to be? Does it have to be count in player?

Geez added a subscriber: Geez.Feb 23 2024, 10:01 AM

Hello Cpt.Sauna.
Please upload your files so we can check.