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ADS sight has a big delay
Awaiting internal Testing, UrgentPublic


When you change from hip fire to ADS, you will have a big delay, or your shoulder change from right to left.


Operating System
Windows 7
AI Aiming / Shooting

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Feb 21 2024, 10:21 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.Feb 21 2024, 11:53 AM

Hello fredo.bredo.
We cannot reproduce this issue on our end.

Shoulder change using R1/L1 is instant (while raised hands), using R3 is not supposed to be instant as it is HOLD action because PRESS changes from 3pp to 1pp and vice versa, and PRESS while raise hands is going to ADS

Can you record a video for us so we can see what exactly is the issue?

Hallo, sure, here is the video. Is not my video but this is the same problem i had

Geez added a comment.Feb 22 2024, 10:31 AM

Thank you.
Does this happen just on this particular server?
Also on the video it just looks like the player is holding down R3, which should switch the shoulder camera position (As it does) You only have to tap it to go ADS

fredo.bredo added a comment.EditedFeb 22 2024, 10:37 AM

It happens on laggy servers on Third person at most and sometimes just after relog. It was different before the patch 1.24. The problem is, that you switch shoulders when you go in ads and press R3 now. Normaly it switch to Ironsight. But for now it has a big delay and dont change the camera to iron sight

Geez added a comment.Feb 22 2024, 2:02 PM

would it be possible to try on a different controller? And on a server in your region?

RainSenshi added a subscriber: RainSenshi.EditedFeb 22 2024, 4:31 PM

Hello I am adding this because I only play first person - yes, the ads is delayed. The reason why is because ads is activating on the button release, not the initial button press, which is how it has always been, ads on press. This need to be addressed because it feels so sluggish.

As you can see in the video, ads toggle is happening when I let go of the button. It has always been on press, not release.

If you listen to this with sound on, you can hear the initial click of the stick, and then the release. This perhaps shows the issue better than the visual I tried to provide.

Geez added a comment.Feb 23 2024, 10:27 AM

Hello I am adding this because I only play first person - yes, the ads is delayed. The reason why is because ads is activating on the button release, not the initial button press, which is how it has always been, ads on press. This need to be addressed because it feels so sluggish.

As you can see in the video, ads toggle is happening when I let go of the button. It has always been on press, not release.

If you listen to this with sound on, you can hear the initial click of the stick, and then the release. This perhaps shows the issue better than the visual I tried to provide.

Thank you, can you send us the server where you experienced this?

Geez added a comment.Feb 23 2024, 10:31 AM

Also, it is possible that you are holding down the stick for too long. You are supposed just to tap it to switch to ADS. It is not possible to switch into ADS on the initial press of the R3 as holding down R3 switches the camera position when held down. If it was on initial press these two features would clash.

Hi, I have been playing 1st person only servers forever - and I can tell you with absolutely certainty that something isn't right here. I usually do tap the sick to ads, but I held it in that video to show you that it's activating on release, not press. I noticed the delay as soon as I got on after the update.

I noticed a similar problem like RainSenshi

Geez added a comment.Feb 23 2024, 10:59 AM

Hi, I have been playing 1st person only servers forever - and I can tell you with absolutely certainty that something isn't right here. I usually do tap the sick to ads, but I held it in that video to show you that it's activating on release, not press. I noticed the delay as soon as I got on after the update.

As I have said in my previous comment.

It is not possible to switch into ADS on the initial press of the R3 as holding down R3 switches the camera position when held down. If it was on initial press these two features would clash.

RainSenshi added a comment.EditedFeb 23 2024, 11:08 AM

I promise you this has differed from my experience playing dayz on console for hundreds of hours. It has always been instantaneous and now it is not.

And sorry I missed your reply - I'm experiencing this on every 1st person locked server. Official and community both.