As seen those are stuck in poor and wont change until you zoom in, going from poor to extreme settings at this distance wont change them at all while other texture around changes! there are allot more like this around the maps.
(I took this screenshot with poor shadow quality just to give it a clearer look, the texture itself wont change going to extreme shadow quality and are still stuck in poor quailty)
Here's a video where you can see some tree's wont change at all going from poor to extreme, even if some further back or next to them changes.
Here's a video of LoD distance / rendering , look how close im standing to the bushes and still they need to be render'd. I think the LoD is decreasing objects way to close and should be increased atleast outside eye focus range to avoid getting allot of jumping objects when you are using eye focus, since the rendering is very slow. Yes sure it may be a fps decrease, but running around using eye focus and you see jumping objcets everywhere because of a short LoD/Rendering distance aint nice either.