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[Feature Request] Create new folder for new start when server crashed
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Right now( this does not happen and we have to study the logs to determine when the server crashed


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Jan 5 2024, 1:03 PM
DarkWolf claimed this task.Jan 14 2025, 5:25 PM

It is possible that this has already been done.

Hello, if you mean unique logs directory for every server restart then that was already implemented long time ago.

We preserve logs from 10 last instances and then the most old one is deleted.
This can be tweak by -keepNumOfLogs CLI param

If you were using -logsDir CLI param then that is to specify directory where log files (console.log, error.log ...) will be stored and is intentionally supposed to be overwritten by newer logs (can be appended with -logAppend CLI param).
This behavior is intentional and is expected from user to implement his own solution to further process logs.

If this resolves your request then I will close this ticket.

Thank you for the detailed and comprehensive answer.

I didn't know about the -keepNumOfLogs parameter at all.

Yes, I think this ticket can be closed.

DarkWolf closed this task as Resolved.Jan 15 2025, 6:01 PM